Senin, 12 April 2010


...My birthday! I has school in the morning and just half class was in due to the early hours... During the class they called me from La Rinascente (a department store like NK/selfridges) and invited me for an interview tomorrow. They need someone to work for one of the cosmetic brands in the evenings for the next two weeks, which would be great for me! However the interview's gonna be all in Italian so I guess my chances to get the job are small... Well, fingers crossed for me!

After work I went to Univeristy Bocconi looking for job ads. Didn't find any job ads but got to know some new people in the corridor so I stayed for lunch with them. A bit wierd I know. Like most Italians I know has a degree from Bocconi so it was a quite fun to see the school.......

After that I started my search for to food for tonight. The hardest was to find some goat cheese and cakes. In the end I found goat cheese but no cake but I was lucky as my flatmate came home with cakes for me so in the end I even had two cakes on the table :)

Well, tonight I had a birthday dinner with 8 girls and one guy. I made goat cheese toasts as a starter and spagetti all'amatriciana as a main. Then Alssandro very nicely came with the cakes with candles for dessert. Very nice dinner and very sweet presents - now I am very happy. Three weeks in the city and now I feel I have people around me I actually can call friends :)

Now I really need to go to bed. Need to get up super early and tomorrow I need to be fit for fight as I'm having the interview.

Thanks to ALL you people for your lovely birthday wishes!!! My mobile phone is exhausted of all calls, texts, e-mails and obviously the madness on facebook where I must have got over 50 wallposts and 20 e-mails. I haven't answered a single message or e-mail yet but slowly I'll try to answer most of them.

Buona notte my wonderful friends. I'm almost in tears when I think about all celebrations I got today. Means so much to me!!!

* pics of dinner guests (almost all;), my cake and the last one with Julia holding Filippo (Mickey mouse) which was one of the presents from my flatmates :)

Sent from my Nokia E71 mobile phone

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