Selasa, 13 April 2010

Italian job interview

Today I had my first Italian interview... Jezez. I don't know the language and I didn't know anything about the brand I was applying for. Good start, not. Anyway, Thanks god I have a big interest in luxury creams and cosmetics so at least I had something to talk about....

I came there, I taked for a while with one of the managers about myself, my work experience, my language knowledge and my interest in cosmetics. Very very nice lady! And then she just said she wants me to start tomorrow straight after school, what! I was in chock!

So, I will work at Rinascente just opposite to the Duomo in central Milano. Its a big luxury department store with cosmetics, handbags, clothes etc. I will be workig for Givenchy cosmetics which is in a corner on the ground floor, quite bad location. Its just a small sales department and I will be working alone there!!! Jeeeeezez! I don't know if this job will fit me but it's just one way of finding out, to try!

Time to go home and study all the Givenchy products! Need to learn them all.

Tonight I was suppost to go partying at Just Cavalli or Hollywood with Gabrielle but obviously now I can't :( Instead I will meet him and and also Stefania just for a quick drink in town. Guess my life will have to change a bit the next weeks...

Sent fom my Nokia E71 mobile phone

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