Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Mrs intelligent

Since I moved to Milan I've been so happy. Gone was my depressing job I had in London and the double love problems I manage to build up.

Here in Milan life is hard as everything is new and it's a pain in the bum being unemployed but I've been having a happy vida locca and I've been enjoying every second. Until yesterday... Mrs intelligent who refuse to listen to her friends advices though it was a good idea to take a step back in life and live in the past for a day. Donno if I was happy in the past but I was absolutely not happy being back for a day, it just scratched up the sores. The day was nice in the end but some aggressive words in the car on the way back hit me like a gun shot. I question myself why I let someone treat me like that... And the answer is easy...

However, now I'm not happy anymore. Opposite, I am sad. Being at work for the first time is a pain... I'm tired, angry and sad, not a good combo. Thanks god for my lovely colleagues who takes good care of me!!

Sent from my Nokia E71 mobile phone

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