Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Job in June confirmed


Ok, now it's confirmed. I will stay and work for Givenchy at La Rinascente also in June! I can't believe it myself but they offered me full time for whole June which for me is great. The Givenchy will move to a more central positin within the Rinaschente and they will make some kind of promotion half the month and need three full time employees. However I was told they are taking me in because they like me as a person and because I'm doing well so far, not becuase of my backgroud (working in finance in London doesn't really make me a good make up artist beauty consultant...) and that the 'LVMH Italia' are doing interviews with people educated in the field. So if I'm not thinking of taking a course to become a make up artist I should look around for something else from July....

So now I know I will stay in Milan at least until end of July! I hope to be able to find a more secure job after the summer to be honest. For now I'm enjoying it but I need to make my whole life more stable going onwards. But like Luca said last week, this is our last year of being "kids" it's after 30 we need to grow up and create the future we want. I am very happy for all my experiences of living and working abroad and even if I'm neither married or having a great career I'm happy with the choises I've done so far. I kind of belive in faith, things happens for a reason and I hope things will turn out well for me one day. Until then I take Luca's words and keep having fun...! :)


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