Senin, 06 September 2010

Lovely friends!

There is nothing on earth that means as much to me as when people I like shows that they care about me. I am a person that sometimes need lots of effection and I can get extremly disappointed when some people (friends/boyfriends/parents) are not there for me when I need them!

Today I had a bad day, or actually I guess it started already on Saturday evening.... when I started thinking.... what is important in my life? The answer is family, friends, love and work! What have I got here in Italy, almost nothing.
Obviously, I've been here five months, and I know I manage to get much more than many other people would had been able to. I got a job after just two weeks and I manage to get lots and lots of friends in just few months. But when I start thinking about these friends, it's only one I can call a true friend. Someone I know I can talk to when I need her and that I know really cares about me. One! I obviously met many other nice people too but I also met lots of strange people, selfish and ignorant people. They say swedes are cold and maybe we are but milaneesers are worse, for sure. I guess Italy was not really what I thought it would be...

I could go on writing forever, but I think I gonna stop here. I'll write about my thoughts about Italy another day.

I just wanna thank you all for the lovely comments, e-mails and phone calls this evening.

Also thanks Luisa for a chilled girl evening with healthy food, movies and girl talk :) Just what I needed!

Now I gonna go to bed, tomorrow if a new day and it's gonna be a good day!


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