Minggu, 19 September 2010

Top news on the Italian news paper

...how Sweden voted for the right side AND opened up for the extremistic rasistic political party. I don't care about the left or right side as they both are so much better than the Italian goverment will ever be, but that so many swedes voted for SD is a shame. A big shame. But the Italian news seems to think it's funny, as suddenly the little perfect Sweden is stepping one step closer to their own rasistic thinking.

"IL LEADER NAZIONALISTA - Trentuno anni, capelli scuri, occhiali e abbigliamento all'ultima moda. Il leader dell'estrema destra in Svezia non รจ un vichingo biondo, ma il giovane rampante Jimmi Akesson, classe 1979, da cinque anni alla guida dei Democratici di Svezia (Sd)"
The Italian news highlights the young leader of SD, that he has dark hair (not blond) and that he's wearing the latest fashion.... (Very important fact.....) But I can see why the Italian news highlights SD and their leader Akesson as Akesson can be seemed like a little Berlusconi wannabe in his thinking about immigration, economics and criminality. But then you can look how well (read bad) Italy is situated, do Sweden wanna follow that....?

Now it's already 02.13am, so I go to bed, in shame of myself for not voting. I might not live in Sweden and haven't done in the last 5 years but everyone knowing me knows how proud I've always been of the swedish politics, so I should had voted. I really should had! :(


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